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About Ada County, Idaho


Welcome to
Ada County IDGenWeb Project

Welcome to the Ada Co. IDGenWeb Project.

The main purpose for these pages is to provide you with genealogical research assistance for those who are digging for your roots and heritages in Ada County. If you are not able to find what you need, please be patient for these pages will develop over time. Also, if you have any information that you would love to share with others, contact the county coordinator and let's add your priceless information.

About the County Courthouse

Ada County Courthouse is a reflection of its past and present conservancy of Idaho's history in Boise. Both past and present courthouses are situated one mile apart from each other near the domed Statehouse, historic Federal Building, Borah Post Office, and the Idaho State Historical Society.

The historic courthouse (photo to the right) was constructed as a part of the Depression-era Public Works Administration (PWA) in 1938-39. The collaborative designed by the architectural firms Tourtellottee & Hummel and Wayland & Fennell. They kept the design simple by geometric shapes with a modern style and solid construction to create a positive outlook towards the future of a difficult era in U.S. history.

The building, which originally included a holding jail on the top floors, was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1976. This courthouse continued to be used until 2002 when the new courthouse was completed. The state leased to provide additional office space while the State Legislature used it temporarily while still in session in 2008-09. However, there came a possibility for demolition over the years since being abandoned but Preservation Idaho and local citizens protested and saved its historic courthouse. Today, the University of Idaho occupies the old courthouse as their Idaho Law Learning Center.

The new Ada County Courthouse (photo above) was completed in 2002. It was designed with a state-of-the-art fashion to reflect the future generations of Idaho. Lombard-Conrad Architects and Washington Group were the key archtectures who tried to achieve two main themes by incorporating technology and an Art Deco style.

About the County Coordinator

To discuss voluntering for the position of County Coordinator, please contact the IDGenWeb State Coordinator, Kerry Hairston .

Surrounding Neighboring Counties

The following surrounding neighboring counties starting on the north side of Ada County is Gem County, follow to the north east is Boise County. And then to the east and south borders is Elmore County. On the south west side of Ada County is Owyhee County. And finally, to the west side Is Canyon County.

Ada County
Courthouse (ca. 1938-39)


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